Monday, February 10, 2014


Trying to increase blog post amount by randomly writing about random things. For example, today I went bouldering! (which is unfortunately not the game Boulderdash, that was just for getting attention) Hannah, a good Ami friend of mine, called me up and asked if I wanted to go bouldering with her at a (boulderspot?) place of bouldering, which if you aren't familiar with that, is basically rock-climbing without ropes. Now don't get yourself worried, I am not nearly as crazy as this guy. This sort of bouldering is done over mats and more about the creativity of climbing than the movement from a Point A to a Point B. I haven't been climbing ever since my various expeditions in Colorado so it was good to see that I have absolutely no arm muscle whatsoever. This little snippet of my life is actually really unimportant but through it I am trying to preach a message of spontaneity: go out this week and try something new, whether it be bouldering, Ba-Taoshi, or even...God forbid...anime human chess, no one is going to judge you for just wanting to find new parts of yourself, so go, do, be the crazy mountain guy, be the screaming Japanese person, be the horsey!

In more serious matters, life is continuing on the up and up. I really can't truly explain exactly how happy I am. I don't believe I have ever been as happy in my entire life. It seems like the sun shines every morning (even though the Sun isn't a too large fan of Niedersachsen). I can't stop beaming and smiling and even when things do seem to take a wrong turn, I can't help but remember where I am, why I am here, and what I am doing here. Despite any failures in regard to progress or any absences of friends of family, I just can't stop enjoying my days. I have about 124 days left in this country, and even though it isn't feel, I intend on not using but seizing everyone single one and I am sure that the next four months will bring my all-time happiness to an even higher stance.

Two of the things that are lingering on my mind as of now are especially the CBYX ambassador project and of course college. As a CBYXer, I am required before the end of the year to make a project in which I show that I have interacted with and/or made an impact on the people in my community. My ideas are pretty week at the moment, I have been trying to come up with some sort of "sport day" in which I could teach German children how to play sports that are more popular in America (football, baseball, and to a lesser extent, basketball). But to be honest, the idea bores me and I think I would rather enjoy doing something else. For some odd reason, I have come up with the idea to make a semi-funny video about what it means to be if you are in Deutschland, watch out, unless you don't shy away from the thought of Ryan Cobb running through your streets in lederhosen, and if you are on Youtube, just please don't judge me for this could-be-blowing-the-charts video.

Anyways...just found myself on my computer and was thinking in English so I decided to type away. If any thing, I hope anyone who is reading this is happy will smile about their day. I apologize for the corniness of this blog post, but rest assured, I am a corny Mensch.

For the record, though man is naked, does not mean man is nude of dignity.
Beethoven meets poor model

In this photo we have Mackenzie, obviously enthusiastic about being in Western Germany, along with Harry Potter who needs to learn to look at lense not photographer, and last but not least, Emely, dying of starvation.

True third-wheeling and pole dancing

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