Saturday, September 14, 2013





So first off I must say that I am very sorry for failing to write a single word on this blog for my entire first month in Germany. I felt that I didn't have sufficient time to write anything of note, and that as time went along, I would have more and more to write about, and that everything I wanted to say here would get piled up to an unglaublich amount. I have now realized, that it will be impossible on this blog to:
  1. Mention all of my thoughts about Germany
  2. Make every blog post be a world-class novel.
  3. Fully capture the beauty and brillaince of this remarkable country.
Every single second that I spend in Germany, my mind constantly races trying to cope with the reality of it all. I spend so much time and energy trying to see if there is a difference between American life and German life, and while there are many, many differences, there are still so many things that are similar. Some of these similarites come from the fact that Germans have an obsession with American culture in many ways (a topic which I will discuss in depth eventually) but they come from the fact that humans are just human, that regardless of where they live, or what language they think in, they are just in fact simply, human. And that really is a beautiful fact that I see on and off again here in Germany. Sure, the people here and how they act are in many ways entirely different from the typical Southern American banter and spiel that I have grown up with. But still at the same time, through all the barriers and layers and subtexts of culture, are all humans stilll extremely wonderful people. And for that, I must say I am truly in awe. Most of my blog posts on this blog here are going to encompass one of two things. They are going to either:
  1. Account a cool brief anecdote about my time here in Germany.
  2. Or attempt to be poignant or philisophical and summarize some intereting fact about German life, culture, or perhaps even some interesting difference between the two countries. 
Hopefully, what I can put down here will actually be of some worth. Perhaps you can find some insight through this wonderful opportunity I have been given. And perhaps you will excuse and all English grammatical mistakes I make along the way, as I forget more and more English with every passing day. 

Pretty soon, I will be summarizing my first month in Deutschland and also will be writing some (hopefully) interesting essays between America and Germany. My tone of voice probably doesn't sound very excited right now, and that is because I am very tired, have poor English skills because German, and am also very dissapointed in myself for not having written on this blog earlier (I am also upset because I missed the Dortmund Hamburger game today and 8 goals were scored).

Anyways, come along for the journey if you would like! I can tell you already, it will be quite an splendephorous one!